
July 29, 2014

EA Launches A $30 Per Year Netflix For Games On Xbox One

I’d play a lot more games if they weren’t $70 a pop, and it looks like EA suspects that might be true of a lot of gamers. The game publisher just announced a new subscription service called ‘EA Access‘ for Xbox One users that will give subscribers all the games they can play (from a limited catalog) for $4.99 per month.

What games, you say? Well, there’s Madden 25 to start. And Fifa 14. And Battlefield 4. And Peggle 2. It’s a limited selection, but it’s a start, and it could cater especially to gamers who are interested in serial sports titles like Madden but who don’t see enough value in forking over $70 per year for generally incremental updates – a multi-title subscription service would provide more access to a wider range of games for the same amount of money or less, at $29.99 per year if you buy all 12 months up front at once.

You’ll also get the ability to play new games before they launch to the general public as trials, including Madden NFL 15, FIFA 15, NHL 15 and Dragon Age: Inquisition to start, and then buy the game to carry over your progress. EA Access memberships will be sold in retail stores as well as on Xbox Live.

EA’s new service is launching in beta today for a small pool of Xbox One owners, so take a look and see if you’re lucky enough to participate. There’s no timeline for a full roll-out, but here’s hoping it grows in terms of both availability and catalogue, because this is definitely and idea I could get behind.

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