
October 18, 2016

Dark Souls III Ashes of Ariandel DLC PVP Trailer Released (video)

Dark Souls III Ashes of Ariandel DLC

Gamers looking forward to the launch of the new Dark Souls III Ashes of Ariandel DLC content which will be officially launching in a few days time on October 25th, 2016.

Sure to enjoy this new trailer for the DLC providing a closer look at what you can expect from the player versus player expansion to the awesome Dark Souls III game.

You’ve invaded, protected, duelled and even betrayed one another in Dark Souls III. On October 25th, with the release of Ashes of Ariandel, battle in The Hollow Arena… together.

Embrace the Darkness once again with Ashes of Ariandel and experience Dark Souls PVP like never before. Return to the franchise that redefined the Action RPG.

In this installment, we will tell the story of a world where cold snow continuously falls. Guided by a mysterious person, who will the wandering players meet and fight in this world, and does “Ahes of Ariandel” hold a meaning?

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